This group celebrates Dark-porcelains (and those with tanned skin) with brown hair (aka not black). No fakes, please! If you are a dark-porcelain or a brown haired tanned beauty, this page is for you! PROUD TO BE A 100% NATURAL BRUNETTE!
Community Standards & Forum Rules
Please Read Before Joining!
1. This is to be a family-friendly site that promotes traditional values. No nudity or soft porn. There are young users on this platform. You will be notified by the first offense. A second will be banned.
2. Be thoughtful and respectful when posting comments. No slander!
3. Spam is prohibited and will be deleted immediately. If you continue to post spam, you will be removed.
4. Harassment of any kind will not be tolerated! You have 2 chances and that is it. If someone is harassing you, let an admin know, please. This includes unwanted messaging, spamming, and profane language.
5. There may be men in this community who are not brunets but prefer brunettes. Most if not all of them have close relationships with brunettes and should not be targeted for not being brunet.
6. Anyone starting drama will be removed.
Anyone in violation of the rules will only be warned once and then blocked and or reported to the admins if the behavior continues.

The purpose of the Forum
1. You may upload pictures of you and your beautiful brown hair. Let us know if you would like your picture to be showcased on our main site (brunette of the week), FB, Twitter and Instagram pages. Make sure you include your Instagram, Twitter and/or FB name so we can notify our followers where to find you.
2. The purpose of this page is to lift each other up. You may share your hair problems, insecurities, advice, boy problems or anything you may be dealing with, and get good feedback. Make sure the advice for problems that you post are positive and uplifting.
3. Promote yourself! If you have a site specifically geared towards brunettes, whether it be a site, blog, or network that you would like to share, or anything related to that, let us know about it. If you have an Instagram, or any other social network account, let us know where we can find you!
4. Overall, have fun!

Community Standards
Despite the fact that Brunettes are said to be most common, Europeans with dark features make up less than 6% of the world's population. This Forum is for those who were born with natural BROWN HAIR of any shade, or it simply turned brown without artificially being dyed brown or lightened to look brown. This is also for their very supportive community members.
Please keep in mind that this page is not a hook-up/ dating page. Stalking and/or trolling in any form will not be tolerated and you will be reported and excommunicated. This page is meant to be a forum of sorts and no one should feel uncomfortable or that they are being harassed. All we ask is that you be respectful of our other members. Thank you
Please keep in mind that not everyone has the same tastes and try to be respectful of your fellow members with what you post. Profane nudity will be deleted. This is not a page to showcase nudity or porn. Thank you for your consideration.

Conduct Concerning Kids and Teens
Coppa Law
Due to Coppa Law, you must be 13-years-old or older to join. No exceptions! If it is found out that you are a child below 13-years-old you will be removed. At Brunette Beauty, we will never intentionally gather information from an underaged child.
Community Conduct
Any type of disrespect, crude jokes, lude comments or inappropriate behavior from anyone concerning kids will be handled appropriately. We have zero-tolerance for abusive behavior, comments, videos, or any other type of medium that attacks children or targets them in an inappropriate manner. Any such post will be deleted immediately and the poster notified. If poster continues they will be banned and in certain cases reported to law enforcement. No exceptions!
Concerning Kids & Teens
Some of you have expressed your concern for posting pictures of young kids and teens. To whom this may concern: This is not a dating site or hook-up page. This is not a porn site. This site is about the beauty of European women and girls of all ages with darker features such as Brown hair and sometimes dark eyes. Due to the Aryan standard of beauty and the glorification of lighter features, sometimes girls with these dark features may find themselves underrepresented, and some may struggle with self-esteem problems (though not all). We showcase these women and girls to show that you can possess these features and still look absolutely stunning. Our statement is that beauty is beauty, no matter what color it comes in. We also promote traditional values, modesty, femininity, and confidence which would be good for young girls.
Thank you for your concern and have a wonderful day!
BrunetteDIva101, Admin